C# Code to Run Command on Windows CMD
Here is a simple C# code example to help you understand a way to automate the task of running command on CMD. It can be done using System.Diagnostics namespace. In below example, we are taking […]
Here is a simple C# code example to help you understand a way to automate the task of running command on CMD. It can be done using System.Diagnostics namespace. In below example, we are taking […]
Here in this post, you will get to know some most used C# string methods that everyone should be aware of while working on strings. These functions let you do manipulation on text in very […]
We need Left, Right and Mid functions to get left most right most and mid n characters from a string. Generally, these functions are available in many other programming languages. But these functions are not […]
You can get unique records from a excel column by using C#. For this, you need to use freeSpire.xls library which makes it easy to work on excel. Here is simple example that will help […]
Here in this C# example, we will show how to add text in new line of Multiline text box. The text will be inserted in new line when user clicks on a button. For a […]
Truncate method of Math class is used to find integral part of a specified decimal number or double-precision floating-point number. You can find decimal part of a specified decimal number as well by using Truncate […]
If you need to read a multiline TextBox line by line in C#, you need to use the Lines property of the TextBox. This property gives you an array of strings in return. Each element of this array corresponds to […]
You are given a number, and you need to round it up or down to nearest multiple of 10, means round up or down to a number having 0 as last digit like as given […]
If you are automating excel using C# and Microsoft.Office.Interop and you need to set the zoom factor of excel sheet, first you need to activate that particular sheet then set the zoom percentage of ActiveWindow.Zoom […]
When you send mail using outlook, you can see that mail in sent Item folder. If you have automated your outlook mail sending process using C#, you can see all your mails in sent item […]