MsgBox in Excel VBA – All You Should Know

The MsgBox function in Excel VBA displays a message box to the user. You can use message box to inform your users by showing a custom message or to get some basic inputs (such as Yes/No or OK/Cancel).

VBA Excel Message box

When the MsgBox is displayed, the execution of code is halted. It waits for the user to click a button and then an action is performed based on the button clicked by the user.

VBA MsgBox Syntax


Parameter Description

Prompt – This is a required parameter. It displays the message that you see in the MsgBox.

Buttons – This is optional parameter. It determines which type of button and icon are to be displayed in the MsgBox. For example, if you use vbOkOnly, it will show only the OK button. If you use vbOKCancel, it will show both the OK and Cancel buttons. If it is left blank, the default value for buttons is vbOkOnly.

Title − This is optional parameter. Here you can specify caption you want to display in the title bar of the message box. If the title is not specified, it will show the name of the application.

Helpfile − This is optional parameter. You can specify a help file that can be accessed when a user clicks on the Help button.

Context − This is optional parameter. A numeric expression that identifies the Help context number assigned to the appropriate Help topic. If context is provided, helpfile must also be provided.

Excel VBA MsgBox Button Constants

You can provide any of the following values as Button parameter to specify what buttons you want in message box.

vbOKOnly – Shows OK button only.

vbOKCancel – Shows OK and Cancel buttons.

vbAbortRetryIgnore – Shows Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.

vbYesNoCancel – Shows Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.

vbYesNo – Shows Yes and No buttons.

vbRetryCancel – Shows Retry and Cancel buttons.

Below are the examples of different type of MsgBox buttons.

MsgBox Buttons – vbOKOnly

Default message box contains only OK button. If you use only the prompt and do not specify any other argument, it will display only OK button in message box. Below given is the sample code for that.

Sub MsgBoxExample()

MsgBox "Sample message for you."

End Sub

Below given code uses vbOKOnly button constant. The code gives the same output.

Sub MsgBoxExample()

MsgBox "Sample message for you.", vbOKOnly

End Sub
vbOKOnly VBA button

MsgBox Buttons – OK & Cancel

If you want to show the OK and the Cancel button, you need to use the vbOKCancel constant.

MsgBox "Sample message for you.", vbOKCancel
vbOKCancel VBA button

MsgBox Buttons – Abort, Retry, and Ignore

If you want to show the Abort, Retry, and the Ignore buttons, you can use the vbAbortRetryIgnore contant.

MsgBox " What do you want to do?", vbAbortRetryIgnore
vbAbortRetryIgnore VBA button

MsgBox Buttons – Yes and No

If you want to show Yes and No buttons, you need to use the vbYesNo constant.

MsgBox "Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo
vbYesNo VBA Button

MsgBox Buttons – Yes, No and Cancel

If you want to show Yes, No and Cancel buttons, you need to use the vbYesNoCancel constant.

MsgBox "Do you want to continue?", vbYesNoCancel
vbYesNoCancel VBA button

Excel VBA MsgBox Icon Constants

You can use Excel VBA MsgBox icon constants to customize the icons that are displayed in the MsgBox. You can provide any of the following values along with button constants, by putting a + sign in between the codes, to show icons in message box.

vbCritical – Displays Critical Message icon.

vbQuestion – Displays Warning Query icon.

vbExclamation – Displays Warning Message icon.

vbInformation – Displays Information Message icon.

Below are sample code examples of using VBA MsgBox icon constants.

Below code displays Critical Message icon with Yes, No buttons.

MsgBox "Sample message for you.", vbYesNo + vbCritical
vbCritical Icon VBA

Below code displays Warning Query icon with Yes, No buttons.

MsgBox "Sample message for you.", vbYesNo + vbQuestion
vbQuestion VBA Icon

Below code displays Warning Message icon with Yes, No buttons.

MsgBox "Sample message for you.", vbYesNo + vbExclamation
vbExclamation VBA Icon

Below code displays Information Message icon with Yes, No buttons.

MsgBox "Sample message for you.", vbYesNo + vbInformation
vbInformation VBA Icon

Using Values Returning from MsgBox

The MsgBox function returns any one of the following values that you can use further to identify which  button the user clicked in the message box.

vbOK – OK was clicked

vbCancel – Cancel was clicked

vbAbort – Abort was clicked

vbRetry – Retry was clicked

vbIgnore – Ignore was clicked

vbYes – Yes was clicked

vbNo – No was clicked

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